
Submissions Page

2024 Call for Convention Proposals

Jan 1, 2024 - Jun 15, 2024

2024 NC SHAPE Annual Convention
Thursday-Friday December 4-6, 2024
Benton Convention Center
Winston-Salem, NC


Convention Proposal Rubric

Does not meet Expectations
Below Expectations
Interest: Would there be a high level of interest in this session? This session would not be of interest / Cannot identify an audience for this session Although an audience is identified, it is unclear why attendees would want to attend this session This session has a clear audience and general rationale as to why attendees would attend This session looks like it would prove interesting to clearly identifiable groups of attendees This session would be highly interesting. There would be a good audience for this session
Originality: Would this introduce new ideas, approaches, and concepts? The session presents a topic that is often repeated The session presents a topic that is often repeated, but the topic is popular This session presents one or two new ideas that would be helpful This session offers a number of new ideas, approaches or concepts This session offers a new perspective along with new ideas, approaches or concepts

Please fill out the proposal form completely.

When submitting a proposal, you may need to register or log in.

  • Members & Returning Guests - Login to your account. Once you are logged in, click the "New Submission" button near the bottom of the page.

    • Forgot your login/password? A link is provided to recover it.

  • Non-Members & New Guests- Click on "New Submission." The page will reload. To start your submission, click "Register" near the bottom of the page. Registering will create a Guest Record of your contact information. There is no fee or cost to register as a guest.