
In Action! Blog > New NCAAHPERD Website Offers Improved Member Services

New NCAAHPERD Website Offers Improved Member Services

posted on March 10, 2012

website-image.jpgOn February 29, 2012, NCAAHPERD members received an email announcing "the launch of the brand new NCAAHPERD website on a new platform with a new provider. The new website will better serve NCAAHPERD members and be a more efficient tool for the organization. Expect to see an easier to use interface, enhanced member services and a more robust environment."

These changes and improvements are not generally visible to individuals visiting the website but will be experienced over time as members utilize our member services. They are the result of the adoption of a new website content management system that streamlines and centralizes the Alliances’ web-based activities. For example, with the new Exware Association Management System, members can register for events and renew their memberships without having to leave the Alliance website and the Alliance office can still have e-commerce payments made directly to our bank account.

New members are automatically posted to a new member listing and added to an online Member Directory. As members apply or renew, an automatic email confirmation is sent. The system automatically enables and disables website logins as members register and expire. A history of membership status and renewal dates is available to view online or export to Excel at any time. 

 The system gives members the ability to manage their own profiles, photos, and contact information while administrators can view hidden fields that include information on the member's status, renewal history, and event purchases. At the same time, the privacy of our members is protected. For example, administrators do not have access to member passwords; the system will send lost login information directly to the member’s email address. In special circumstances, website administrators can generate a random password that the user can change upon login.

In addition, a new NCAAHPERD Weekly Digest replaces the alliance newsletter. These weekly emails feature recent association news and postings that keep members informed while preventing the duplication of effort required to send out newsletters in the past. Members that choose not to receive these weekly emails can easily op-out or unsubscribe at any time.

The content management system is also very easy to use. All of the content modules can be managed via user-friendly control panels and forms that the Alliance staff can access through their browser.  No special software or technical knowledge is required. In general, the basic website functions can be learned in less than an hour. 

Executive Director Donna Woolard had this to say about the new site and the new content management system, “I am very happy with the Exware Association Management System and the service we have been provided!  So far, it will do everything the company promised, and more. In fact, the features are even better, easier to use, and more powerful than I had anticipated! NCAAHPERD members will enjoy the improved services for years to come!”