July 15, 2024
Middle School Monday Schedule
9:30-10:20 MS Weight Training: Facts vs. Fiction,-Jim Bazluki, MAEd, LAT, SCAT, ATC, EMT
10:25-11:05 The Front Porch, Growing Your MS Athletic Program- Bob Hill, CMAA Retired County AD
11:10-12:00 14 Legal Duties of Coaches, Richard Hatley, Retired AD
12:00-2:00 Lunch
2:15-3:00 - Eyes Wide Open! Preventing Sexual Harassment and Hazing, Deanna Morris, CMAA
3:05-3:45 Burt Jenkins, DPI "Middle School Handbook Update"
4:00-4:45 Bob Hill and Deanna Morris-- Middle School AD Meeting
6:30/8:30 East-West All-Star Basketball Games