
What's New > Register Your School to Support Let’s Move in School

Register Your School to Support Let’s Move in School

posted on February 19, 2012

Let's Move in School

Let’s Move in School is an initiative of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD).  In support of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation, the purpose of Let’s Move in School is to educate youth about the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and ensure that every school provides opportunities for quality physical education and physical activity.

The Let’s Move in School Web site ( provides tools to support quality, school-based physical education and physical activity programs, such as sources of funding, recognition for outstanding physical education teachers and programs and information on federal, state and local policy efforts. In addition, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE/AAHPERD) has produced a new brochure for parents, school administrators and policymakers called Active Kids and Academic Performance: The Positive Impact of School-Based Physical Education and Physical Activity.

Physical Activity During School 

In addition to physical education class, students need opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day in order to meet the 60 minutes per day national recommendation. Children need a break from sitting behind their desks; these extra opportunities to be physically active have shown to increase a child’s academic achievements. Learn about the positive impact of school-based physical education and physical activity on academic performance at:

During school AAHPERD suggests:

  • Physical activity integrated into classroom lessons
  • Physical activity breaks in the classroom
  • Recess; at least 20 minutes for elementary school students
  • Drop-in physical activity such as visiting a fitness center
  • The use of pedometers to monitor the amount of walking during the day

Physical Activity Before and After School

Physical activity before and after school allow students to practice what they've learned in physical education class.  It can also prepare their brains for learning and provide a safe and healthy environment for social interaction with their friends. Some options include:

  • Walk and bike to school programs
  • Casual recreation or playtime on school grounds
  • Physical activity clubs and intramural sports
  • Interscholastic sports 

Staff Involvement

High level support from school administrators is a key factor in implementing a CSPAP.  Staff involvement in school-based physical activity provides two key benefits: 

  • Improve staff health, increase physical activity levels, and be cost effective
  • Positive role models for students

Family and Community Involvement

Support from parents and siblings, and even an entire community, can influence a child’s level of participation in physical activity. Keeping children and youth turned on to physical activity is also one of the biggest challenges facing parents. That is why AAHPERD urges parents to help children explore a wide variety of physical activities in their communities to determine what they like and then encourage them to participate in those activities on a regular basis. Families can support their child’s school CSPAP by:

  • Participating in school physical activity-based special events
  • Plan a neighborhood or school family fitness fun night 
  • Coordinate efforts with other parents to provide safe transportation from school to community and recreational centers to increase your child’s participation in physical activities.

To learn more about how you can help your school to create a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program, go to The goal of Let’s Move in School, an initiative of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), is to help children and youth to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.  

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