
What's New > Shape of the Nation Report Released

Shape of the Nation Report Released

posted on November 18, 2012

Shape of the Nation ReportNASPE/AAHPERD and the American Heart Association released the 2012 Shape of the Nation Report on Tuesday, November 13. The 2012 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA provides a current picture of physical education in the American education system. The 2012 survey finds areas of both improvement and decline since the 2010 Shape of the Nation Report.

Thirty-eight states, 74.5%, mandate physical education in elementary, middle/high, and high school, but most do not require a specific amount of instructional time and more than half allow exemptions, waivers, and/or substitutions.

New areas of the report include:

        • comprehensive supplemental data tables
        • whether physical activity is being used as punishment in states
        • information about state education agencies collecting and enforcing school's and school district local school wellness policies
        • support for Safe Route to School programs

Advocates can use information from the Shape of the Nation report in presentations, letters, and other means of communication with federal and state policymakers, the media, and the general public as part of the basis for expanding and improving physical education.

Read the report to see how North Carolina measures up!